Tuesday, June 30, 2009


What you lookin' at?? Ngayon lang ba kayo naka-kita ng emo?

Yo dog! What's up? You crackin' again??

Ow man! Don't tell me I passed out again? My wife's gonna kill me!
Are you ready to parrrteyyy?!!!

Kermit: burp! They were delicious! My compliments to the chef!

Cat: Oh please, whatever your thinking, be gentle ok? It's my first time. My legs are still crossed in case you didn't notice.

Pwera sa harap, pwera sa likod. Pagbilang kong tatlo nakatago na kayo! Isa, dalawa, tatlo!
(No peeking!)


Diet na talaga ako promise...

Teh, naupuan nyo yata yung unan nyo? E baka po pumutok...wink*


Ate, ilang months na yan? Manganganak ka na yata?
Naka-pusit na oh! LOL

photos from: http://www.funny.com

Monday, June 29, 2009

Call 911... he's not breathing!

It was dawn here in the Philippines when I learned that MJ is dead. I had to access my email to send office report so I opened the yahoo! browser. When the first page came in, I was surprised with what was there: MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD.

I thought it was just another prank story so I shook it off and continued with my report. However, while finishing my report, the headline is still bothering me so I decided to click on the link to check what really that it. And to my surprise, it was indeed true. I couldn't believe with what I was reading, everything was not sinking to me yet. Not until I heard the recorded emergency call made saying “50 year old male Not breathing at all”. While listening to the recording, it brought chills up to my spine. Michael Jackson is indeed gone.

(Click on the picture to see the link about the story)

News about his death is everywhere, everyone is mourning. I got teary eyed when I heard Michael's sister Janet, saying "To you, Michael is an icon. But to us, he is a family. And he will be missed."

Michael Jackson will really be missed. He maybe gone physically, but his memory will stay forever. He had inspired a lot of people, he touched so many lives. Yes, he was not able to live forever, but his music will.

Goodbye Jacko. May you rest in peace..

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Penelope...Most recent movie that I've watched

OK, I admit. I haven't been into movie house in a while. Why? I simply don't like the movie house in our place, it's like wasting money for nothing. Unfortunately, there's only one here. Now I'm thinking how to watch transformers. Aw...I so miss the movie houses in glorietta and SM in times like this.

Good thing we have a mini home theater that my sister bought abroad that's why I am always excited to see what's new in HBO or Cinemax or in Starworld every Saturday or Sunday night. The most recent movie that I saw was Penelope starring Christina Ricci and James McAvoy. This was shown in theaters back in 2006. (Say what?? it's been 3 years since this movie was shown in theaters! So now you can imagine how long I haven't been into a movie house. hek,hek,hek...) I'd rather watch movies on TV rather than to rent or buy a pirated copy that has no quality. The only thing that sucks watching movies on TV would be some of the clips have been cut off.

Anyway, in the movie,
Penelope (Christina Ricci who I remember mainly from Casper, and Sleepy Hollow) is the victim of a family curse that forces her to be born with a pig snout. Her family tries to find her a husband in order to break the curse, but they fail consistently. The curse has a resembleance to the curse in Shrek, the whole “curse cannot be broken unless girl finds love”… only in this plot, the love she must find has to be an "aristocrat" (demanding???) They seem to be in luck, one day, when one young man (James McAvoy who played the "goat" in Narnia) doesn’t run after seeing her face.

Written by Leslie Caveny and directed by Mark Palansky, this romantic fantasy would hit home with audiences of all ages and, in particular, teenage girls. What? I'm still a teenager at heart! Haha

The Story
Poor Penelope. Born with a pig’s nose as the result of a curse, all of her family’s wealth can’t disguise the fact the first-born daughter of the upper-crust Wilhern clan resembles a pig. In order to shield her from the cruel taunts of children, her parents have kept her pretty much a prisoner in their home. Penelope’s days are spent studying music and art, reading the classics, and dreaming of the world beyond the locked gates of the family’s estate - alone. The poor girl doesn't even know what a vespa is!

Attempts at plastic surgery are unsuccessful; doctors said it would kill her. The only way to get rid of snout is to find true love with one of her own kind (someone from an equally well-off family, not someone with piggy qualities). Penelope’s mom, obsessed with the idea of getting her daughter married so that the horrible curse will be broken, invites every eligible bachelor around into their home to meet Penelope. She has set her daughter up with a dating agency (aw cmon, this is hopeless!), in hopes to find a rich man for her daughter, however there have been numerous attempts, and each and everytime Penelope reveals her snout-face, her suitors are given the fright of their lives and race out of the room… or in some cases, out the window (crash!)

One particular man (Edward), escapes without signing a legal constraint which states that he cannot mention Penelope’s existence to anyone… and he tells the police. Immediately being branded as “crazy”, he leaves to tell the papers of this “monster” he’s seen.

But there is hope for our heroine. Max (James McAvoy - who was surprisingly cute in this movie) arrives at the Wilhern house along with a batch of guys better dressed and seemingly more suitable. Penelope enters the room, men fly out doors and windows, but Max stays put. She thought that Max did actually stay after seeing her. But the truth is, he was distracted when Penelope made her entrance. Retreating behind a one-way mirror before Max has another opportunity to see what caused everyone else to bolt from the premises, Penelope engages Max in a lengthy conversation believing he knows about her nose.

Penelope finds herself attracted to the disheveled, witty character and works up the courage, after a few more visits, to talk to him nose to snout. When Penelope finally decided to get out of the room to meet Max, he was surprised that he almost broke the chinawares behind him! Me and my siblings laughed when we saw his reaction. It's like he saw a ghost. Haha!

That's when Penelope knew that Max isn’t who she thinks he is. Max has a strong interest in stealing and gambling and was only bribed by a journalist to meet her. When Penelope ask Max to marry her, he said NO (Ooh, that hurts). But no he’s not just being a bastard! The reason is answered later on. LOL.

Max is a decent guy, just down on his luck, and takes off not because of Penelope’s nose, but because he doesn’t want to hurt her. But Penelope, used to being treated like a pariah, believes he’s just another man in the endless string of men who find her repulsive.

Then Penelope, after suffering heartache and rejection, leaves her home and her sheltered life, striking out on her own, declaring her independence as what was said in the movie. Penelope sets out to discover the world and herself with the help of a new friend (played by Penelope’s producer Reese Witherspoon) and a very colorful scarf. When everyone knew about her being Penelope , to her surpised, everybody liked her.

This new found acceptance, makes Edward have to rethink his plans. After being talked to by his father, he realizes he has to sort everything out, and he decides to marry her… Though truthfully he thinks she’s still a monster who should be locked up and he feels so dreadful about it.

But as fate would have it, her first real love Max turned out that he actually liked her (kilig!)… The only problem is (here’s where it all is explained and gets good)… is that he’s not Max. He’s Johnny Martin, the son of a plumber. The true reason he won’t marry her is because he is not “one of them”, so he can’t break the curse. He’s just a poor guy. Remember the condition of breaking the curse? Penelope needs to marry an "aristocrat" guy (stupid, right?!).

So as Penelope’s going along with this wedding, and Johnny’s out by the lake wallowing in his own self-pity, the truth is leaked to Penelope’s mother about Max - no wait! - Johnny’s true identity, but she chooses not to tell her daughter (again, because not a true love will break the curse - marrying a rich guy would).

However, Penelope herself rightfully calls off the wedding. And decides, she is actually contented being herself. Then, her self-acceptance leads her to… losing the pig-nose! Magic huh.

As the movie reaches its end, no James McAvoy was seen. I really thought it would end just like that because it shows that Penelope is now a teacher, making things on her own. But when she found out the truth about Johnny, she realizes she was wrong. Off she goes to find him at a Halloween party outside his house. Yeah, he really was that poor. When she knew the reason why he wouldn't wanna marry her (oh, I so love this part!) they confess their feelings, and… kiss. It’s a brilliant kissing scene!

And they live happily ever after.

I was watching this with my 15 year old sister but while watching the movie I was the one giggling, not her. Haha! This movie has a simple yet, quirky plot…and not to mention, pure sweetness. hehe...

Now go watch it if you haven’t already! Enjoy!


No, I am not trying to become a movie critic or something. I am just sayin'!

How was I able to relate on this movie?

I have always thought that I am not pretty and attractive. Just like Penelope, I never imagined that someone as cute as as Johnny will come accross my way to say that I am beautiful. I have always been locked up - not in our house - but inside myself because I have a low self-steem. It was so hard to overcome it, simply because I don't accept my ownself.

Just like Penelope, I have tried to see the world ahead of me and found out that in one way or another, people can actually like and accept me for who I am. And now, I am proud to say that even if I am not as pretty as other girls can be, I am independent and making things in my own way.

Penelope is not ugly. Regardless of having the nose of a pig, her inner beauty, that consisted of traits such as being kind, unassuming and free from guile, made her a likeable human being one would want as a friend.

What did turned me off about this movie?

Of course movies as good as this can't be perfect all the time, it has flaws too. What I didn't like was as soon as she finally accepted that she likes her ownself, she lost her pig-nose. I mean like, the shallow idea/importance of being perfect and beautiful as a whole package was still shown in the movie. I dunno, I guess I would appreciate it more if Johnny and Penelope did live happily ever after amidst her pig-nose. (bitter??? LOL) wink*


Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Being Single

Being single is a great concern for a lot of people. It may cause loneliness, depression and unhappiness, especially in women. Scary thoughts of getting old and still flying solo are enough to drive a young girl frantically looking for the perfect partner before her time runs out. The concept that being part of a couple makes us a complete person is quite ridiculous, but that is what society dictates. We are born and bred in a society where the norms are to get on our own feet when we are old enough, have a great career and eventually get married.

It seems that every young girl's ultimate dream is to have a perfect wedding one day soon. Have you ever read a fairytale without a Prince Charming and a "happy ever after"? While some view being single as still socially unacceptable, more and more women opt to live without a spouse mostly by their own choice. The notion that marriage is the only way to give meaning to one's life is becoming outdated, and a lot of women today feel that being on their own could be the best thing that ever happened to them. This new breed of women pursue rich, fulfilling lives and know that in order to have a healthy relationship, they must learn how to be happy on their own first.

Although it is true that having someone can help add to your happiness and personal fulfilment, being single can be more fun and has a lot of great advantages too:

  1. You are free as the wind. Party all night or shop till you drop - you decide what time you're going home and you don't have to explain to anyone.
  2. More time for pursuing personal interests and hobbies. If you miss the outdoors you can pack your camping gear anytime and not worry about the laundry at all.
  3. More time for self-enhancement. Get a manicure or spend a whole afternoon having your hair done. Go to an art class and discover your hidden artistic self.
  4. Your job can eat up your entire life, and its okay. You won't have to deal with a break-up or divorce soon because you haven't been neglecting anyone.
  5. Cleaning the house requires minimal to no effort. There's nobody to mess it up, no breadcrumbs on the coffee table or stale chips and beer cans hidden under the couch.
  6. You get to keep the remote all to yourself. You can flip channels all night or watch re-runs of Beauty and the Geek without somebody trying to steal the remote.
  7. Every inch of the closet belongs to you, and you can buy and store as many pairs of shoes that your budget will allow. No one will ever ask you why you have more than 5 pairs.
  8. Eat, sleep or live in the bathroom. Stay there all day-there isn't anyone getting in the shower after you.
  9. You can sleep in any position, on whichever part of the bed. It's all yours! Plus, you can have a snore-free and dream-filled beauty nap anytime.
  10. You can choose from a lot of men. There are plenty of singles out there, just waiting to hook up. A person's self-worth is not measured by his or her relationship status. Yes, you can be happy being single- and whole. It's your choice.

©2008 Ruth Purple

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First Pineda/s and history of the name...

Yes, I am addicted to Google! I Google almost about anything. I find it fascinating and entertaining not to mention educating as well. Or should I say I just have this (weird?)fondness of googling names.

One time, I tried to Google my "family history". So on the search field of Google, I entered my last name (Pineda) and hit enter. First Pineda's & history of the name caught my attention, so I clicked on the link.

From there, it took me to http://boards.ancestry.com/surnames.pineda/54/mb.ashx and found a lot of post about it. I learned that the meaning of Pineda came from the Spanish word pino (pine tree) or simply a lot of pinos (pine forest or group of trees as it says there).

One person who possessed the same last name as mine said that based on his knowledge about his family tree, they are descendants of Don Antonio Pineda, a scientist in Spain who studied the Philippines in the 18th century (wow, this "Don" might be my grandfather too! LOL!). He is also the great grandfather of Eleanor Rivera, who became the girlfriend of Jose Rizal, the Philippine national hero (say what?!? I might be related to Eleanor Rivera? Don't you think its so kewl?! LOL!). Most of the descendants of Don Antonio Pineda went to Pampanga (where my dad was born and raised – Magalang actually) and some went to Cebu in the Philippines. Most of the descendants of Don Antonio Pineda, held a Spanish passport before 1950s. (Do I have a Spanish passport? Nah, not that I know of! LOL!).

And then there’s this Jose Luis Pineda who said that he is the next "Count" of Villa Pineda mentioned that if the King Juan Carlos The first of Spain deon´t mind, their family comes from the Village of Burgos near to Madrid (Spain). They have been in many wars and always they have tried to defend the Spanish honor. The first Count was Sir Pedro Pineda Salinas after that his grand-grandfather was the Third Count. (This kind of freaked me out. I mean like, whatever that is? LOL!)

However, through further reading, what surprised me the most is that it was mentioned that the surname Pineda is of Sephardic origin (Sephardic means Spanish Jew - Sephardic Jews are descendants of the large Jewish community living in Spain and Portugal in the middle ages. Forcibly expelled from those countries in 1492, many settled in The Netherlands. Sephardic Jews never lost their identity and are found living all over the world today) and that they really came from Israel and that they are Jew. It says there that even the Roman Catholic Church acknowledges that the name Pineda is indeed Jewish and that there are still Pineda/s living in Israel.

It was stated that when the Jews were expelled from Israel by the Romans on and after 70 A.D., many moved to the Iberian area. Since Spain was a Roman possession, those Jews who moved there thought it be wise to adopt Latin names. Many times the Latin names they adopted held a special significance such as using trees in names to signify the Tree of Life (like the Christmas tree). Pineda is no different being a "Grove of pines".

It was supported by another Pineda who said that his grandfather told him that his great grand parents were Jewish immigrants that came to his country (he did not mention where his country is but to my guess, I think he is from The Netherlands). Religious and civil records in Spain attest to it (I saw it myself at http://www.sephardim.com/namelist.shtml?mode=form&from=P&to=P&Search=Search) and that Pineda is also listed in several books which list Sephardic names. Some Pineda’s were most likely killed during the inquisition, while many were simply exiled to places like the Canary Islands (Spain), South America, Mexico, and Northern Europe. It was said that Pineda/s were persecuted during the Spanish Inquisition and some were even executed for their refusal to convert to Catholicism. (say what now?!?)

So that's about it! Other information did freak me out, but all in all, I find it really entertaining - like so hillariously entertaining. Sometimes it would raised one of my eyebrows, or it will really make laugh out loud..Oh well, I guess its just fun to know things that you least expected to know. Interesting, huh?!?

Well yeah, whatever. Peace to y’all!

Chubby Chick in the house!

Chubby Chick in the house?!? Say what?

Ridiculous, right? haha! Well, i can't think of anything else. I have been chubby all my life so I guess this would do just fine. wink*

Friends have been setting up their own blogs and I really think it's fun. I have always wanted to create my own since I have been doing a lot of writings but I just didn't think that they'll pass as a blog. To tell you honestly, I don't know what blog means or what bloggers do or what types of writings will a blogger write to his/her own blog. Ka-blog!!! Comatose ang beauty ko! hahaha!

Well I guess, I will just try to create my own blog account and hopefully this would work. I'll try to transfer some of my "creations" here so hopefully this could be a good start. hehe...
